Get all Campaigns from percolate api
how do i get all campaigns from percolate api.
<https://percolate.com/api/v4/campaign> -- was using this endpoint but it says have to give campaignID,
how do i get all the campaigns and not one by one using campaignID.
or is there another endpoint which I'm missing?
Posted by kaarthik 2 months ago
Get all Campaigns from percolate api
how do i get all campaigns from percolate api.
<https://percolate.com/api/v4/campaign> -- was using this endpoint but it says have to give campaignID,
how do i get all the campaigns and not one by one using campaignID. Also if thats the case how do i pass multiple campaignIDs. Also can you explain what is scope id
or is there another endpoint which I'm missing?
the fields i need:
1. campaign name
2. Date created
3. Start Date
4. End Date
5. Primary Team
6. Manager
7. Campaign Metadata : Region
8. Campaign Metadata:Campaign Primary Business Unit
9. Campaign Metadata:Segment and Subsegment
Thanks a lot.
Posted by Ritesh Chandra about 1 year ago